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Bild der Wissenschaft.
ISSN: 00062375 Publisher: Stuttgart : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,

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Zeitschrift ueber die Naturwissenschaften und die Technik in unserer Zeit

New scientist.
ISSN: 02624079 20595387 00286664 13648500 Publisher: London : New science publications,

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New Scientist communicates brands, products and services to a discerning and influential audience of business decision-makers, purchasers and those with a keen eye for technology. New Scientist provides an environment where marketing messages can be associated with the thought-leadership of influential editorial content.

Scientific American.
ISSN: 00368733 19467087 Year: 1845 Publisher: New York : Munn & Co.

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Legs Homès – Van Schoor


Pure sciences. Natural sciences (general) --- wetenschappelijke experimenten --- popularisering wetenschap --- exacte wetenschappen --- toegepast wetenschappelijk onderzoek --- Technology --- Science --- Technologie --- Sciences --- Periodicals --- periodicals --- Périodiques --- Science. --- Technology. --- Exacte wetenschappen. --- -Science --- -50 --- #BAVD:tijdschr. --- #FHIW:CAT1 --- 090 Exacte wetenschappen --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften Engels --- tijdschriften --- 5 --- abonnementen --- technologie --- bevroren licht --- biologie --- natuurkunde (fysica) --- quantumcomputer (kwantumcomputer) --- quantummechanica --- quantumtheorie --- scheikunde (chemie) --- teleportatie --- zwaartekracht --- zwart gat --- wetenschappen --- 600.05 --- Natural science --- Science of science --- Applied science --- Arts, Useful --- Science, Applied --- Useful arts --- Industrial arts --- Material culture --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- Mathematica en natuurwetenschappen --- -600.05 --- E-journals --- Exacte wetenschappen --- Multidisciplinary Sciences --- Agriculture Sciences --- General and Others --- USA --- periodical --- popularization --- Multidisciplinary Sciences. --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- Périodiques --- EBSCOASP-E EBSCOBSP-E EJBIOLO EJBIOMO EJCHIMI EJECOLO EJINGEN EJMATHE EJMEDEC EJPHYSI EJSCIEN EJSTATI EPUB-ALPHA-S EPUB-PER-FT MDSCIENC --- Arts, Industrial --- Industrial Arts --- #KVHA:Tijdschriften; Engels --- #BAVD:tijdschr --- periodicals. --- Cloud Computing --- Sciences. --- -Technology --- 50 --- Natural sciences --- Journal

ISSN: 00280836 14764687 Year: 1869 Publisher: London : Springer Nature.

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Nature is the world’s foremost international weekly scientific journal and is the flagship journal for Nature Research. It publishes the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature’s landmark papers, award winning news, leading comment and expert opinion on important, topical scientific news and events enable readers to share the latest discoveries in science and evolve the discussion amongst the global scientific community.   .


Pure sciences. Natural sciences (general) --- Science --- Human medicine --- Sciences --- Periodicals --- Périodiques --- Science. --- Natural history. --- Biologie --- Physique --- Natuurwetenschappen. --- CIENCIA --- NATURAL HISTORY. --- BIOLOGY. --- SCIENCE. --- PUBLICACIONES PERIODICAS. --- 50 --- #ANTIL9509 --- 090 Exacte wetenschappen --- 5 --- abonnementen --- astronomie --- biologie --- biotechnologie --- chemie (scheikunde) --- exacte wetenschappen --- fysica --- milieu --- Generalities about the pure sciences --- Mathematica en natuurwetenschappen --- #ANTILTPND9509 --- #BTAB:VH 44 Béziers --- #TS:WBIB --- E-journals --- Exacte wetenschappen --- Multidisciplinary Sciences --- Chemistry --- Earth Sciences --- Environmental Sciences --- Life Sciences --- Physics --- General and Others --- Biology --- Astronomy --- duplicates available --- duplicates available 2011 --- United Kingdom ( UK ) --- periodical --- natural sciences --- weekly --- 50 Generalities about the pure sciences --- Multidisciplinary Sciences. --- Science (General) --- Périodiques --- EBSCOASP-E EJAGRON EJBIOLO EJBIOMO EJCHIMI EJGEOGR EJINGEN EJMATHE EJMEDEC EJPHARM EJPHYSI EJSCIEN EJSTATI EJTERRE EPUB-ALPHA-N EPUB-PER-FT MDSCIENC NPG-E --- Natural science --- Science of science --- Wetenschap --- Exacte wetenschappen. Natuurwetenschappen (algemeen) --- Menselijke geneeskunde --- Natural sciences. --- Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary --- Science, multidisciplinary --- Natural sciences --- Journal

Eos : actueel maandblad over wetenschap en technologie
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 07720084 Year: 1983 Publisher: Gent EOS

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Eos is een Nederlandstalig Vlaams populairwetenschappelijk maandblad en een gratis toegankelijke website met nieuws over de laatste ontwikkelingen in de wetenschappen. Zowel natuurwetenschappen als menswetenschappen en geneeskunde komen aan bod.


Pure sciences. Natural sciences (general) --- Engineering sciences. Technology --- exacte wetenschappen --- ingenieurswetenschappen --- milieu --- Périodiques --- Sciences --- Technologie --- Tijdschriften --- Wetenschappen --- Science --- Technology --- Periodicals --- Social aspects --- Aspect social --- wetenschap --- technologie --- 1983 --- 5/6 <05> --- #BAVD:tijdschr. --- #GGSB: ts (lopende) --- #TS:KOPO --- #TS:TOND --- #TS:WBIB --- #TS:WMAG --- #TS:WMON --- 001 wetenschappen --- 004 technologie --- LP --- 05 --- Current periodicals --- Revue périodique --- Sciences appliquées --- Sciences de la terre --- 090 Exacte wetenschappen --- Tijdschrift --- onderwijs --- tijdschriften lerarenopleiding --- wetenschappen --- $a621 --- 485.4 --- Agro- en biotechnologie --- Biomedische laboratoriumtechnologie --- Biowetenschappen --- Exacte wetenschappen --- Industriële Wetenschappen --- Ingenieurswetenschappen --- Natuurwetenschappen --- natuurwetenschappen --- 050 --- 5 --- 502 --- Eos --- Tijdschriften GEZ --- Wetenschap --- abonnementen --- 681.3 --- Exacte en toegepaste wetenschappen--Tijdschriften --- periodieken - tijdschriften --- Toegepaste wetenschappen --- Aardkunde --- Mathematica en natuurwetenschappen --- Tijdschriften en seriewerken wiskunde, informatica, natuurwetenschappen --- Computer science --- Techniek --- tijdschriften --- Belgium --- periodical --- Natuurwetenschappen. --- tijdschriften. --- Tijdschriften. --- #BAVD:tijdschr --- Périodiques --- Closed periodicals --- 681.3* / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / --- Exacte wetenschappen. Natuurwetenschappen (algemeen) --- Ingenieurswetenschappen. Technologie --- earth sciences --- vědy o Zemi --- geovidenskaber --- žemės mokslai --- геологични науки --- vede o Zemlji --- ciencias de la tierra --- науке о Земљи --- aardkunde --- maankuorta tutkivat tieteet --- науки за Земјата --- bejjiegħ bl-imnut żgħir --- Geowissenschaften --- γεωλογικές επιστήμες --- földtudományok --- Zemes zinātnes --- ciências da Terra --- geovetenskap --- shkenca të tokës --- geoznanosti --- nauki o ziemi --- maateadused --- vedy o Zemi --- științele pământului --- geoscienze --- žemės mokslas --- ġeoxjenzi --- geoteadused --- nauky o Zemi --- атмосферски науки --- geovědy --- toegepaste wetenschappen --- alkalmazott tudományok --- примењене науке --- tillämpad vetenskap --- soveltavat tieteet --- uporabne znanosti --- angewandte Wissenschaften --- științe aplicate --- scienze applicate --- εφαρμοσμένες επιστήμες --- taikomieji mokslai --- приложни науки --- applied sciences --- nauki stosowane --- aplikované vědy --- rakendusteadused --- aplikované vedy --- lietišķās zinātnes --- ciencias aplicadas --- применети науки --- primijenjene znanosti --- xjenzi applikati --- ciências aplicadas --- shkenca të aplikuara --- anvendte videnskaber --- užité vědy --- применета наука --- perioodiline väljaanne --- periodická publikácia --- сериски публикации --- tidskrift --- периодично издание --- periodinis leidinys --- periodikum --- rivista periodica --- kausijulkaisu --- serial publication --- periodische Veröffentlichung --- publicații periodice --- περιοδική επιθεώρηση --- publicação periódica --- publicación seriada --- periodična publikacija --- periodika --- folyóirat --- publikim periodik --- periodisks izdevums --- wydawnictwo periodyczne --- tidsskrift --- периодично издање --- tijdschrift --- pubblikazzjoni perjodika --- periodicum --- periodiek --- revue périodique --- publicación periódica --- επιθεώρηση --- издание во продолженија --- периодична објава --- periodical publication --- serijska publikacija --- botim periodik --- сериско издание --- seriāls izdevums --- périodique --- periodico --- publikim në seri --- rivista mensile --- serijinis leidinys --- mensile --- pubblicazione periodica --- publicații seriale --- периодично списание --- periodisk tidskrift --- měsíčník --- perioodikaväljaanne --- revista --- series --- časopis --- periódico --- publicación en serie --- serie --- periodice --- týdeník --- nepravé periodikum --- jadaväljaanne --- občasník --- Periodikum --- aikakauslehti --- serials --- периодична публикација --- фељтон --- περιοδικό --- Periodicals. --- STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) --- tijdschriften lerarenopleiding STEM --- domhaneolaíocht --- eolaíochtaí feidhmeacha --- sraitheachán --- ts (lopende) --- xjenza tad-dinja --- Revue périodique --- Sciences appliquées

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